Bringing the community together
Welcome to the Wingate Bulletin.
Updated on2014-01-01
New Incidents:
Please switch your alarm on, even if you will be absent for a short while.
Be careful. It is a holiday month for workers and harvesting month for some.
Rourges target the most vulnerable people and properties
We were notified of the following incidents that occurred in Wingate Park:
Attempted Burglary Burglary with Violence
Turf Street, 09 th December, 02:00.
When the resident realised that she was awakened by a strange noise she reached for her pistol. A burglar overwhelmed and unarmed her, he then stabbed her several times in her legs with a screwdriver and then fled.
The following items are missing: Pistol, TV, handbag and Cell phones.
It appears that the perpetrators used the neighbour’s property as an escape route.
The property is well fenced with high walls and palisade fence but without an alarm system in the house.
Theft from vehicle.
Selby Street. 8th December at 00:45.
The resident noticed two perpetrators near his vehicle that was parked on the property. After he scared them away he found that his vehicle was broken into and the radio is stolen.
The resident joined RHEV-Wingate Park and BRINANT after the incident.
House break and theft
Selby Street, at 01:45 on the morning of 8th Decembert.
The house and the garage was burgled.
Two bicycles and a TV were stolen. The RHEV-BRINANT officer recovered the TV and one of the bicycles.
The resident joined RHEV-Wingate Park and BRINANT after the incident.
Skakel asseblief u alarm aan al gaan u net vir ‘n kort rukkie afwesig wees.
Wees versigtig. Dit is vakansie vir werkers en maand van oes vir ander.
Skelms teiken eiendomme met die minste beveiliging.
Neem asseblief kennis van die volgende voorvalle in Wingatepark:
Gepoogde Inbraak. Geweldsmisdaad
Turfstraat, 09 Desember, 02:00.
Die inwoner het wakker geword van 'n geraas. Sy het haar vuurwapen by haar gehad maar is oorval en ontwapen deur 'n inbreker. Sy is vesrkeie kere met 'n skroewedraaier in haar bene gesteek. Die inbreker het gevlug met die dame se vuurwapen en die volgende items word vermis: Pistool, TV, handsak en selfone.
Dit kom voor dat die betreders ‘n naburige erf, met lae mure as ontsnaproete gebruik het.
Alhoewel die eiendom baie goed omhein is met hoë mure en palissade heining is daar geen alarmstelsel nie .
Diefstal uit voertuig. Selbystraat . 8 Desember, 00:45.
Die eienaar het twee inbrekers by sy motor op sy erf opgemerk, toe hulle hom gewaar het hulle oor die hoë palissade heining gespring en verdwyn.
Met nadere ondersoek is gevind dat daar by die motor ingebreek en die motorradio gesteel is.
Hierdie inwoner het sedert die voorval by RHEV-Wingatepark en BRINANT aangesluit
Inbraak en diefstal.
Selbystraat . 8 Desember, 02:45.
Nadat inbrekers die lemmetjiesdraad wat op die palissade heining gebreek het, het hulle by die huis en motorhuis ingebreek.
Twee fietse en 'n TV is gesteel. Die RHEV-BRINANT offisier het die een fiets en die TV terug gevind.
Hierdie gesin het sedert die voorval by RHEV-Wingatepark en BRINANT aangesluit. |
Gate motor Theft
During the night of 18 December 2013 a gate motor was stolen in Tainton street Precautionary measures A gate motor holds a lot of monetary value and it’s not uncommon to find them disappearing overnight. Invest in a steel cage and good quality"crowbar" resistant lock to protect it against theft. Examples of a gate motor cage and durable locks. More on Security![]() |
The Bad news is that criminals mainly target the properties without alarms and the properties with alarms but with no or slow reaction.
Suspicious activities, Requests for special patrols (per SMS) to the Reaction Vehicle officer on duty 072 8630 468 (ALL HOURS)
RHEV & BRINANT Marketing, All alarm issues to Andre Theron 076 2516 789 (ALL HOURS)
A Security Company's effectiveness is the time it takes
to reach your address and not the time it takes to phone and inquire about your problem !!
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